Blog created for professional practice 2 module
The Work of art and the beholder -Wolfgang Kemp
'The work reacts to it's spacial and functional context through the means of it's medium, through it's size, it's form, its shaping of the interface or border between the ''outside'' and the ''inside''its inner scale, the degree of it's finish, and its spacial disposition (i.e the manner in which it either continues or negates the outer space and positions its beholder)' (Kemp p186)
Sterio Views............

How to display a stereo viewer in the exhibition?
I have seen stereo views within the 'Gallery' twice before one being as you can see in the image above (which I ripped from a previous blogger) with viewers set into the wall all at the same height none of the mechanisms on display playing on the idea of looking through into another world 'thru the keyhole' as it were. the other occasion was in the Kodak gallery at the Media Museum in Bradford, the Edwardian viewer set in a semi ornate wooden case.
the physical involvement or participation of the viewer is essential to the affect i want to achieve, phenomenology, reception theory essentially the stereo viewer is my blank.

like Nicolas Maes curtain, (Kemp) and I think I like the idea of the viewer and the mechanism i.e the twined photograph set on it to be viewed as well, the image will be of an illusion of my making however the image/photographs will be in themselves be unaltered the only illusion in the actual 'image' is created by the eyes.
Today Gary made me think about how I could translate the space of the original image, or set into the gallery space, setting the viewer at my height would mean for most people that they would have to lean in thus physically engaging and bringing into play the idea that they are are looking as a scene as I would as if 'looking thru my eyes' so I need a Katie sized plinth/stand/pole.
Psychogeography group presentations 23/03
Leeds psychogeography group presentations Tuesday 23rd of marsh held at Leeds university business school
Tina Richardson- Introducing Deep Topography short film clip from Nick Papadamitrio
Video that I can't work out how to embed
Tina Richardson- Introducing Deep Topography short film clip from Nick Papadamitrio
Video that I can't work out how to embed
excellent website
Tim Waters - Neighbourhood Maps Denis wood, this American life radio extract on his work
Denis Wood talks with host Ira Glass about the maps he's made of his own neighborhood, Boylan Heights in Raleigh, North Carolina. They include a traditional street locator map; a map of all the sewer and power lines under the earth's surface; a map of how light falls on the ground through the leaves of trees; a map of where all the Halloween pumpkins are each year; and a map of all the graffiti in the neighborhood. In short, he's creating maps that are more like novels, trying to describe everyday life'
Relay humorous and interesting way to look at and and in a way quantify the world around us and how we pass through it the routs we chose and the indicators we leave behind us
for instance when looking at the concentration of street signage Wood found that the main concentration of signage was to be found where people from outside the area where passing through whereas the least signage was present in areas mainly used by local residents.
Tim Waters - Neighbourhood Maps Denis wood, this American life radio extract on his work
Denis Wood talks with host Ira Glass about the maps he's made of his own neighborhood, Boylan Heights in Raleigh, North Carolina. They include a traditional street locator map; a map of all the sewer and power lines under the earth's surface; a map of how light falls on the ground through the leaves of trees; a map of where all the Halloween pumpkins are each year; and a map of all the graffiti in the neighborhood. In short, he's creating maps that are more like novels, trying to describe everyday life'
Relay humorous and interesting way to look at and and in a way quantify the world around us and how we pass through it the routs we chose and the indicators we leave behind us
for instance when looking at the concentration of street signage Wood found that the main concentration of signage was to be found where people from outside the area where passing through whereas the least signage was present in areas mainly used by local residents.
non of the images will load from flicker so please follow this link
Wood also found a correlation in his findings with the houses most mentioned in the local neighborhood newsletter and and those prominently displaying pumpkin 'jack o lanterns' on Halloween.
what kind of ways might a gallery space be mapped? the people traffic followed?
- Signage?
- litter?
- Incidents of interference?
- noise frequency?
- demographic of interest in various areas? who goes just to see the new exhibition and who goes to see the permanent collection
The Sunday Review
This was ment to be the sunday review on the 6th of March but things got the better of me
Leeds Art Walk 03/03/10
Straggling behind the main bulk of of art appreciators out on the cultural razzle in Leeds I found this months art walk to be a mixed bag.
first call was the Midnight Bell where I discovered for the first time the drawings of Richard Taylor
'drawings address the subject of living environments from the opposing viewpoint of creating structures that are subtly different each time and repetition is non existent.'
I really enjoyed these expressive yet detailed drawing's reminding me in part of illustrations from Einid Blyton's Magic Faraway tree, not to suggest in any way that these drawings where quaint and I think there impact was blighted from being on display in a pub, they where deffinatly not 'cafe art'
Next Stop along the way (reached by bus rather than foot I will add addmit) was the Henry Moore institute for a brief talk on the curren't exhibition, Alan Johnsonton's wall drawings
I must say I was far more taken with the reasoning for the work than the work it's self
'Johnston’s drawings give new perspectives to familiar spaces; thus the striking architecture of the Institute’s top-lit galleries – Victorian wool merchants’ offices which were converted by Dixon Jones in 1993 – comes into focus. Whilst not being obviously three-dimensional, the drawings highlight the galleries as sculptural spaces in their own right. Alongside and framed within the large wall drawings, the exhibition includes a series of smaller abstract pencil drawings on plaster, lino, and wood prepared with titanium and zinc white.'
Did the wall drawings do any more to highlight the space than leaving the space white would have done?
Next stop 'The art Market' Merrion Market,
I think the art market is a fantastic set up, they will soon if they have not already be opening a mini shop down at PSL
The current exhibition is of work from an ex leeds uni student and member of the art market 'hub' along with a guest artist (names may be inserted at a later date) both artists work with photography and there work held a simular sence on nostalgie/place in the 70's
in terms of practicall display, the work was all fairly small scale and hung in a very infromal way. Some of the images where mounted directly onto the wall, while others where simply in clip frames I don't think this worked for me unless the aim of a piece of work is to be uninposing it should be hung in a way that comands some kind of respect.
otherwise it may as well stay blutaked to the studio wall.
The next stop on the walk was trinity where there where free mini eggs and crispy buns a plenty!
there was a performance piece by urban angels, which I personaly found not to be enjoyable, there where times when it was increadably moving however these where when the performer was still.
follow this link to learn more of urban angels
Leeds Art Walk 03/03/10
Straggling behind the main bulk of of art appreciators out on the cultural razzle in Leeds I found this months art walk to be a mixed bag.
first call was the Midnight Bell where I discovered for the first time the drawings of Richard Taylor
'drawings address the subject of living environments from the opposing viewpoint of creating structures that are subtly different each time and repetition is non existent.'
I really enjoyed these expressive yet detailed drawing's reminding me in part of illustrations from Einid Blyton's Magic Faraway tree, not to suggest in any way that these drawings where quaint and I think there impact was blighted from being on display in a pub, they where deffinatly not 'cafe art'
Next Stop along the way (reached by bus rather than foot I will add addmit) was the Henry Moore institute for a brief talk on the curren't exhibition, Alan Johnsonton's wall drawings
I must say I was far more taken with the reasoning for the work than the work it's self
'Johnston’s drawings give new perspectives to familiar spaces; thus the striking architecture of the Institute’s top-lit galleries – Victorian wool merchants’ offices which were converted by Dixon Jones in 1993 – comes into focus. Whilst not being obviously three-dimensional, the drawings highlight the galleries as sculptural spaces in their own right. Alongside and framed within the large wall drawings, the exhibition includes a series of smaller abstract pencil drawings on plaster, lino, and wood prepared with titanium and zinc white.'
Did the wall drawings do any more to highlight the space than leaving the space white would have done?
Next stop 'The art Market' Merrion Market,
I think the art market is a fantastic set up, they will soon if they have not already be opening a mini shop down at PSL
The current exhibition is of work from an ex leeds uni student and member of the art market 'hub' along with a guest artist (names may be inserted at a later date) both artists work with photography and there work held a simular sence on nostalgie/place in the 70's
in terms of practicall display, the work was all fairly small scale and hung in a very infromal way. Some of the images where mounted directly onto the wall, while others where simply in clip frames I don't think this worked for me unless the aim of a piece of work is to be uninposing it should be hung in a way that comands some kind of respect.
otherwise it may as well stay blutaked to the studio wall.
The next stop on the walk was trinity where there where free mini eggs and crispy buns a plenty!
there was a performance piece by urban angels, which I personaly found not to be enjoyable, there where times when it was increadably moving however these where when the performer was still.
follow this link to learn more of urban angels
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